Turtle Mountain

Panoramic view from the Turtle Mountain summit

Turtle Mountain provides one of Iwokrama Forest’s signature vista, and visitors can now settle in for the night at the foot of the nearly 300m (950 ft.) tall mountain.

The Turtle Mountain Base Camp offers accommodations for large groups or individuals who wish to stay in the heart of the rainforest, but with some conveniences.

The facility augments other accommodations Iwokrama now offers its visitors, including tourists, researchers and youth and other groups. The 3 huts at the camp accommodate up to 10 guests each. There are hammocks, running water, toilets, washrooms and a kitchen and dining area for the comfort of visitors.

The camp was built by Iwokrama in partnership with Trekforce, a UK volunteer conservation service organisation.

It is located at the foot of Turtle Mountain near Paddle Rock Creek, a refuge for Brazilian tapirs, occasional jaguars, peccaries, agoutis, pacas and other wildlife.

Iwokrama is particularly interested in educating Guyanese youth about the extraordinary values of Guyana’s interior. Turtle Mountain Base Camp is part of Iwokrama’s ecotourism business development strategy that includes greater accessibility for young people to visit and learn about the Iwokrama Forest. The camp also serves as a base for school and university groups interested in learning about and studying the Iwokrama Forest. A trip to Iwokrama is not complete without going to the summit of Turtle Mountain for a stunning view of the rainforest canopy. The journey starts with a peaceful and scenic half hour boat ride where you arrive at the base of the mountain. Along the way you may see a harpy eagle and the greater yellow-headed vulture, king vulture, and plumbeous kites and black-faced hawk. The trails may reveal little chachalaca, marail guan, black curassow, squirrel and black-bellied cuckoos, blue-crowned mot mot, collared puffbird, pygmy, antwrens and many more. You may also be rewarded with sightings of monkeys such as Red Howlers, Wedge-capped Capuchins and Black Spiders.

Visit Iwokrama and Turtle Mountain and experience the amazing forest with the most beautiful and extraordinary plants and animals in Guyana. (Taken from Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

The Base Camp
Turtle mountain shrouded in early morning mist
Collared puffbird


Little Chachalaca

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